Updated Transits for the Disappearance of Harmony Montgomery
Authorities have now updated the most likely period for the disappearance of Harmony Montgomery of Manchester, NH to between November 28 and December 10, 2019. Since she was officially in the custody of her father at that time even though her biological mother lived in Haverhill, MA, the event probably occurred in Manchester.
Given the new estimated date of disappearance, I split the difference and ran the transits to the rectified natal chart for December 4, 2019. In this chart the house cusps are from the natal horoscope and the inner ring houses the natal planets. The transiting planets are shown in the outer ring. I used a noon time for the chart; assuming that is “close enough,” I see that the lower, less discoverable area of the map is loaded with all of the transiting planets except Uranus, suggesting that whatever happened to her was done privately and clandestinely, well out of the public eye.
With this striking concentration, I thought I might see a Translation of Light or Collection of Light going on with the transiting Sun in the thick of it, but traditional astrology doesn’t use the semi-sextile aspect so it kind of fell apart. I pulled out my Planetary Containments book because there is interesting stuff going on between Mars, Mercury, Sun, Jupiter and Venus, but the book is entirely psychological so it’s of no use here. One thing of note is that transiting Jupiter sits quite near the natal IC and is also square to the natal ASC (another potential rectification factor) and I previously established the 4th House as representing the “male authority figure.” Jupiter (the “Greater Benefic”) applying to the cusp suggests that circumstances may have played right into his hand; I’m thinking she trusted him too much.
Also, 6th-House transiting Moon and Neptune (emotional confusion) came together in Pisces on that date, squaring the natal Sun in Gemini and thereby placing her mental and physical well-being in some doubt. Pisces is a “sacrificial” sign and the 6th House suggests being “put into service,” while the transiting square brings the 9th-House emphasis on long-distance travel into focus. The transiting Sun sits roughly equidistant (near the midpoint) between transiting Mars and Venus and applies to an opposition to its 9th-House natal position (perfected on January 9th), while transiting Mars and Venus form a very tight (although ephemeral) “Finger of Fate” (double quincunx) aspect to the transiting Part of Fortune. This can be a very potent “triggering” pattern but it needs something more substantial to trigger; by January 9th the planets had moved on to a somewhat looser version of the configuration with the natal Sun, although Mars lagged a couple of degrees behind by that time. Lacking much else in the way of “hard” aspects to the natal horoscope and considering the “perfection” of the solar transit on the same date, I think I would still take it as showing that she was most likely trafficked and may have been sent some distance (9th House); the transiting Part of Fortune in the vicinity of the natal Sun there implies that she was still alive on the 9th of January. There is probably more here but it doesn’t jump out at me.
Originally published at http://parsifalswheeldivination.wordpress.com on February 2, 2022.