The “Weekly Keynote” High-Focus Reading
AUTHOR’S NOTE: The aim of this spread is to highlight the one day during an upcoming week that has the most potential to be momentous in some way. It uses two decks (one for the 7-day baseline row and the other for the three-card daily reading); seven dominoes of the appropriate denomination are also required. This is more of an advisory “heads-up” reading than a predictive one; the idea is to provide advanced notice for those days when preparation might be in order. If nothing unexpected occurs at least you were paying attention.
First select the Major Arcana cards in any deck that relate to the days of the week as follows: High Priestess (Moon) = Monday; Tower (Mars) = Tuesday; Magician (Mercury) = Wednesday; Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter) = Thursday; Empress (Venus) = Friday; World (Saturn) = Saturday; Sun (Sun) = Sunday. (Do you get the impression that Tuesdays might be the days to watch out for?)
Lay them in a row from left to right in the order shown, then find seven dominoes with the correct number of spots for the seven days. (The domino layout in the photo below is only for illustration and is not part of the process.)
Turn the dominoes face down and mix them around on the table.
Randomly select one face-down domino to identify the “Keynote Day.” In this example I turned up a “7,” which meant that Sunday is the day of interest. Note that dominoes work better than dice for this because you can limit the maximum number of spots on any turn to seven instead of twelve. If you like, all seven dominoes can be brought to bear on a series of daily draws for the whole week that can be read in decreasing order of significance (although the cards pulled for any day may not cooperate with this proposed moderating trend).
Finally, using a second deck, shuffle and deal a three-card spread for the highlighted day. Read this series as a standard daily draw, with the “day” card providing background emphasis. Just for fun, we might treat the one below as a “weather forecast:” the day starts gloomy and chilly (9 of Swords) but the Sun comes out and things turn around slightly while still being unsettled and perhaps breezy (3 of Swords reversed); rain arrives later (4 of Cups). The advice is “jacket in the morning, umbrella in the afternoon.”
Originally published at on October 8, 2023.