The “Tarot Magic” Invocation Spread: Second Cut
AUTHOR’S NOTE: After reading further into Donald Tyson’s Tarot Magic, I decided to add a couple of new features to this spread.
Tyson mentions that in traditional evocation, the Triangle of Art is drawn with its apex pointing away from the Circle of Summoning. The idea is that when the aspiration identified as the focus of the magical act is urged toward manifestation, it first travels into the realm of spirit and then re-emerges onto the material plane fully realized and “ready for prime-time.” In thinking about this, I recognized that, because the purpose of an invocation is to bring the object of the operation (usually another person or entity) into the circle with the querent, we could cut right to the chase by inverting the triangle carrying the incoming reflux so its apex faces the target, generating a kind of “funnel effect” that facilitates Tyson’s rotating “vortex” of energy. Since the aim of such an effort is typically the realization of a material goal, this orientation mirrors the downward-pointing “Physical Motivation” triangle that is part of the internal hexagram in my personal design for the circle. (See my original post on this subject.)
Another innovation is Tyson’s suggestion to place the three “Primal Element” trump cards (the Fool as Air; the Hanged Man as Water; and Judgment as Fire) on the points of the Triangle of Art, with the main thrust of the invocation being the interaction between the card placed at the center (I consider it the hub of “initiative and opportunity”) and the card at the apex, whether that is upright or inverted. Once these cards are placed, they are to be tapped with the forefinger of the dominant hand in series from the Fool to Judgement, intoning “The triangle is complete.” Taking these three angular cards out of the running for the random pull that populates the pattern poses no real problem since they are spiritually abstract and not easily relatable to the pragmatic goal of the operation. In doing this, I will lay the random cards from the draw on top of the “fixed” trumps to tie them into the underlying environmental theme for the endeavor.
Tyson advises that the apex of the triangle should point away from the circle and align with the cardinal direction representing the element of the “Focused Purpose” card at the center of the array, and the Fool should be placed there as the agent of actualization, initiating a clockwise “vortex.” However, inverting the triangle to make it funnel toward the “Objective” card in the circle means that the base of the triangle will engage the source of the urge to manifest. In this reading, Lust as the Leonine card of applied solar force draws its power from the South, the domain of the Sun at its zenith. Therefore, the entry point for the incoming energy — assuming a clockwise vortex must ensue — would be the upper-left angle, so I would put the Fool there with the Hanged Man at the upper-right and Judgement at the inverted apex, thus stacking up two expressions of Fire toward the objective. Although it is tempting to view Lust in a relationship matter as a card of overwhelming domination and intimidation, in the present context I see it more as conveying “sexual exuberance.”
Here is an example reading that employs the same hypothetical scenario as my first reading with this spread: a man wants to entice a woman into his sphere of influence for face-to-face engagement, which is enabled by placing a card symbolic of her presence beneath his “significator” card in the circle in a way that both can be touched with a forefinger to initiate the flow. I’ve also expanded the “tapping” routine to create a more comprehensive signature for the energy “vortex,” beginning at the significator, advancing to the “Physical Motivation” card as a “touchstone” for the querent’s aspiration, then to the “Focused Purpose” card, followed by the inverted apex card of the Triangle of Art that I’m calling the “Delivery System” since it objectifies the projected result, and returning to the object card with its fulfillment in tow. In this way the seeker’s intention will have been completely immersed in the process of manifestation from beginning to end. Before starting the tapping sequence shown in the photo below, I will observe Tyson’s instruction to proclaim “The circle is complete,” in this case by tapping all six cards of the hexagram as a geometric series of two linked triangles, ending with the inverted apex card of the “Physical Motivation” triangle.
For this exercise, I once again chose the Thoth Knight of Cups as the Significator and the Queen of Cups as the “Object” card, with the self-explanatory Lust as the “Focused Purpose” or “Initiative and Opportunity” card. I placed the Aeon (aka Judgement) at the inverted apex of the Triangle of Art as an expression of fiery resolve that — if all works out — will “deliver the goods” for Lust. My personal definition for this card is “An offer you can’t refuse, one that permits no turning back.” As usual, I positioned the Priestess as the “Gatekeeper” card, which in this instance makes me think of Mel Brooks’ domineering “Frau Blucher” from Young Frankenstein.
The “Physical Motivation” triangle includes the 2 of Wands (Dominion), the 5 of Swords (Defeat) and the 7 of Wands (Valour); the implication is that, while this will be a challenge to pull off, stalwart courage will count for a great deal in winning the day. This is the “Mars in Leo” minor card, and it aligns perfectly with Lust as the Leo trump card. The two together show that desire is running at fever pitch, and that outright action has a better chance of success than patience.
The inverted Triangle of Art displays the 4 of Swords (Truce) in the “Fool” position; the Moon in the “Hanged Man” position; and Art (aka Temperance) in the “Judgement” position. The Fool doesn’t really have a “horse in the race” here, but the Moon weighs in with a warning against being too sure of himself. However, Art is another Fire card, making for a “trifecta” of enthusiasm. I liken it to the finesse required to perform a “high-wire act with no safety net.” He is not likely to let the soggy admonishment of the Moon deflect him from his ambitious course.
The last thing of interest is that the inspirational Star in the “Warding Axis” offers an “end run” on the forbidding “Frau Blucher,” returning to the Queen of Cups without having to “pay the toll.” The 9 of Disks (Gain) lends support and traction to the Priestess in standing firm, but it’s a losing battle. As a final word, the Knight of Disks and the Queen of Wands at the base of the upright “Mental/Spiritual Motivation” triangle in the hexagram are well-matched, but the 8 of Cups (Indolence) at the apex indicates that the individuals shouldn’t look too closely at any emotional baggage they bring to the affair since it could be demoralizing when all else seems to be on the “fast track.”
Originally published at on February 4, 2025.