The Major Arcana and the “Box of Chocolates”
In previous posts I’ve presented the observation that, in my own experience, Major Arcana (or trump) cards appearing in a spread seldom indicate the actual arrival of significant events in everyday terms, and serve more to show the overriding tone, theme or scenic backdrop for the period covered by the reading. They may still create a circumstantial “bias” for such occurrences but, by themselves, they don’t automatically trigger them. For example, the Tower may not literally “stomp on you with both feet,” but it could suggest a time of elevated risk for some kind of distress, and the need for heightened vigilance.
As I see it, the court and minor cards are “where the action is” in a mundane sense, and they should be looked at first to see what’s going on in the situation; the trump cards (if any) will then fill in the “big-picture” aspects that could color the perspective. Like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates, they may not reveal exactly “what you’re gonna get,” but they can at least help find the range. Thematically, they set the stage and the rest of the cards deliver the dramatization.
With that in mind (and using the images in the Waite-Smith deck), I thought I would take a stab at coming up with some key concepts (and unavoidable clichés) for the Major Arcana to describe what the querent may need to consider in dealing with the conditions shown in the forecast. These are just rough ideas off the top of my head; I’m offering them to stimulate getting “off the beaten path” in this regard.
The Fool — the need to “check and adjust” priorities; the need to “think outside the box”
The Magician — the need to “get a grip;” the need to mobilize your resources
The High Priestess — the need to step back and observe carefully before acting
The Empress — the need to relax; the need to “stop and smell the roses”
The Emperor — the need to “man up” or “step up to the plate”
The Hierophant — the need to trust your instincts and avoid overreacting
The Lovers — the need to weigh your options and make a choice
The Chariot — the need to “get a move on;” the need to “zero in” on the target
Strength — the need to get control of your feelings; the need to be firm
The Hermit — the need to “go it alone;” the need to heed your own advice
The Wheel of Fortune — the need to be flexible and “go with the flow”
Justice — the need to be impartial in your judgment; the need to “take a stand”
The Hanged Man — the need to look at all sides of a situation; the need to be patient
Death — the need to let go of what is holding you back; the need to “cease and desist”
Temperance — the need to fine-tune your approach and determine “what works best”
The Devil — the need to “watch your back” when dealing with others
The Tower — the need to be alert for danger (maintain “situational awareness”)
The Star — the need to be realistic in your expectations
The Moon — the need to be skeptical of appearances
The Sun — the need to “ seize the moment”
Judgement — the need to plan for impending (and possibly inevitable) change
The World — the need to tie up loose ends and “close the books”
Originally published at on May 23, 2022.