The “Double-Axle” Energy Rotation Spread

Parsifal the Scribe
4 min readNov 21, 2023


AUTHOR’S NOTE: I often contemplate the operation of “centrifugal” (externalizing) and “centripetal” (internalizing) metaphysical forces as they can be applied to the practice of tarot, something I used to good effect in working up my personal set of definitions for the Tarot de Marseille pips. Here is a spread constructed on those principles. (It is an interesting sidelight that, in A Dictionary of Symbols, J. E. Cirlot defines the “square” [Cards #1 through #4 here] as the “material and passive quaternary,” and the “diamond” [Card #5 through #8] as the “material and active quaternary.”)

My assumption is that, at any point in time, there are both active, positive, projective forces and passive, negative, receptive forces at work in our lives. The former can be equated to the idea of “centrifugal” dynamics, and the latter to the equal-and-opposite “centripetal” mode of energy transfer. When everything is going well for us, these energies function in a state of relative equilibrium (we exist in a steady state of output and intake). When any aspect becomes unbalanced (we may be expending more than we’re accumulating or vice versa) we can suffer emotional and cognitive stress, and must pay attention to our mental and physical well-being.

I envision employing two decks with this spread, one of an “open” or “light” temperament for the centrifugal positions, and the other with a more “closed” or “dark” theme for the centripetal factors. Because these can be understood to symbolize “upright” and “reversed” qualities due to their projective and receptive natures, I see no reason to apply reversals during the shuffle.

Once the spread is populated as described in the on-board guidance, calculate a “quintessence” card to represent the overall “energy signature” for the period covered by the reading (this will always be a trump card). After it is derived, examine the various “dignities” between it and the eight peripheral cards to see how cooperative or uncooperative they are. Dignities can be of several types, both sympathetic and unsympathetic: suit; element; number; astrological correspondence; polarity (positive/negative, odd/even); rank; inherent nature, etc.

If they are of a mutually agreeable character, no effort will be needed to adapt ourselves to their expression, they will just “flow” according to their innate rotational bias; if, however, they are uncomfortable in combination, we will have to adjust our stance in line with the emphasis imparted by the peripheral card(s); the “hub” card will remain constant. What this means in practical terms is we must either “play up” or “play down” its (or their) functionality depending on whether it is conducive or detrimental to our goals for the period.

I can see performing this reading at the start of any fairly short span of time, such as a week or a month. While the individual cards in the eight positions can be read as the overall complexion of anticipated circumstances, no position meanings are provided for this purpose; the primary focus should be on those cards that are misaligned with the “energy signature” embodied in the “quint” card, with the objective of smoothly integrating their influence during the period of their effectiveness. Everything that is well-favored by dignity will take care of itself as part of the energy pattern, although it might be instructive to consider which cards are “centrifugal” and which are “centripetal” to get a feel for the interplay of our “coming-and-going” during the interval.

Here is an example reading for next week. I used the Chrysalis Tarot (probably the “brightest” deck I own) for the “Centrifugal” positions and the Night Sun Tarot (one of the “darkest”) for the “Centripetal” positions. The Hermit as the “quintessence” or hub card is from the Mythic Tarot, First Edition.

All of the peripheral cards exhibited favorable elemental dignity with the Hermit except the 2 of Swords (Scrolls) and the 5 of Swords (Scrolls); the Knight of Cups as a Pisces court card (this is a Thoth clone) is in zodiacal detriment to the Hermit’s Virgo correspondence although they are elementally friendly. These are the areas I will have to work toward integrating into my daily routine during the week, but Moon in Libra and Venus in Aquarius don’t cause me much concern, and with a Water-sign-dominant horoscope I’m not overly bothered by the Knight of Cups (my long-time Significator card). It’s worth noting that both of the Swords are on the “projective” side of the equation, suggesting that I must exercise some care in how I wield these energies in external situations.

Originally published at on November 21, 2023.



Parsifal the Scribe
Parsifal the Scribe

Written by Parsifal the Scribe

I’ve been involved in the esoteric arts since 1972, with a primary interest in tarot and astrology. See my previous work at

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