Syncretic Methods: Tarot + I Ching Hexagram Casting
AUTHOR’S NOTE: <Summons his best Dick Nixon monotone> “Let me make one thing perfectly clear” (as if you couldn’t tell): I’m no fan of metaphysically “squishy” modes of divination, an attitude that encompasses most purely intuitive forms of interpretation. I like having a firm philosophical basis from which to proceed by applying inspiration, imagination and ingenuity, and that formula underlies what I’m about to present.
In her book, I Ching, The Oracle: A Practical Guide to the Book of Changes, Benebell Wen offers a “practicum” (exercise) in which any two random three-digit numbers are to be imagined that will form the input for creating the lower and upper trigrams of a hexagram for the purpose of prediction. These numbers are to be divided by 8, which will leave a remainder of between zero and 7 that is to be used to identify the applicable trigrams (zero will yield the trigram of Earth). The first set of numbers produces the lower trigram and the second set the upper one. I believe I’ve come up with a slightly more empirical method for conducting this exercise.
First, remove all of the “pip” cards numbered 1 (Ace) through 8 from a deck of tarot cards. This will cull out a subset of 32 cards, which by sheer coincidence (or so it seems) is half the number of the total population of possible hexagrams. (A neat bit of synchronicity, eh?) The absence of nines doesn’t bother me since the actual number isn’t critical, just the remainder.
Next, shuffle the cards and lay a pair of three-card lines bottom-to-top, one above the other. The two sequences of three-digit numbers obtained from the cards will be used as described above to form the trigrams.
After assembling the hexagram from the trigrams, refer to the Book of Changes for the judgment and commentary.
An additional step is to add the two series together and then divide the total by six; the remainder will identify a “moving” line within the original hexagram that will create a second hexagram for additional insight regarding the matter. A remainder of zero will mean that Line 6 is the “moving” one.
Here is an example reading. (Note that the tarot cards are not intended to be read as such, they are just numerical devices, but feel free to experiment; I see there are a lot of Twos with a couple of Fives “blocking” them in the example.)
Associated cards from Anthony Clark’s I Ching Pack, both of which imply eventual success (I added the titles in Photoscape):
Originally published at on May 23, 2024.