Not Milk: An Atypical Astro-Tarot Meditation Array
AUTHOR’S NOTE: There is a biblical quote that goes something like “Milk for babes, meat for strong men.” Here I’m offering what might be a hard-to-swallow bit of gristle for those who are locked into the Golden Dawn’s esoteric attributions for the cards of the tarot. What can I say, I’ve always been an iconoclast in such things.
I’ve been working with the Order’s Liber T tarot curriculum since 1972 and I’ve long been unhappy with many of the astrological correspondences Mathers and his cohorts came up with. I’ve tinkered with them in the past, but here I’m departing significantly from the Tree of Life model in creating an array that could be used for meditating on the flow of cosmic energy as it descends into manifestation through the sequence of trumps, courts and pips (the so-called “Descent of Spirit into Matter”). I’ve applied my own assumptions about planetary associations and path assignments but stayed largely with the idea of mental/spiritual, social and personal expression through the Major Arcana. The justification for most of my alterations can be found in previous posts on this blog; I recently explored the notion of mutable signs on the Middle Pillar as shown here.
Originally published at on August 25, 2024.