Modern Planets on the Chaldean Zodiac

Parsifal the Scribe
3 min readJan 10, 2024


AUTHOR’S NOTE: Here is another jolt of revisionist heresy.

While some occult authorities have attempted to place the three modern planets of astrology, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, on the Tree of Life, I’m not aware that any have tried to fit them into the Chaldean zodiac (as used by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn) by applying their modern rulerships and essential dignities. Here is my effort, which of course is no longer a Chaldean wheel but a hybrid. (Note that as a traditional astrologer I’m not enamored of the modern planets and don’t use them much, but here I believe they serve a useful purpose.)

Twentieth-century esoteric astrologers used to think of these planets as the “higher octave” of Mercury, Venus and Mars respectively, leading me to suggest that several instances of those classical planets can be replaced on the wheel with their modern counterparts. However, in addition to substituting Neptune for Venus in one instance, I used it in place of Jupiter in Pisces because it is the modern ruler of that sign. These substitutions left Mercury with three of its five original Chaldean assignments and Venus, Mars and Jupiter with four of theirs (Mars was already one-up on the rest). In a tarot reading I will also mentally update the planetary attributions for the related tarot cards. Where applicable, in this essay I have included the card titles from both The Book of Thoth and the Golden Dawn’s tarot curriculum, Liber T.

I substituted Uranus for Mercury in Aquarius (related to the 6 of Swords, Lord of Science/Earned Success) because Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius and through that sign it is connected with science, the title of the Thoth 6 of Swords.

I substituted Uranus for Mercury in Sagittarius (related to the 8 of Wands, Lord of Swiftness) because Uranus is associated with electricity, one of the supplemental meanings of the Thoth 8 of Wands.

I substituted Neptune for Jupiter in Pisces (related to the 9 of Cups, Lord of Happiness/Material Happiness) because Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces and has a connection to 12th House matters in much the same way as classical Jupiter, but it is more temperate and tranquil than enthusiastic as befits its mystical nature. In a tarot reading, I might rethink the title of the Thoth card as something akin to a meditative “tranquility” (or maybe “ethereal bliss?”)

I substituted Neptune for Venus in Scorpio (related to 7 of Cups, Lord of Debauch/Illusionary Success) due to Neptune’s association with illusion.

I substituted Pluto for Mars in Scorpio (related to the 5 of Cups, Lord of Disappointment/Loss in Pleasure) because Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio and it is remorseless in discharging its duties therein.

I substituted Pluto for Mars in Leo (related to the 7 of Wands, Lord of Valour) because Pluto is considered to be exalted in Leo by some modern astrologers, and it is more ruthless than honorable in combat.

These substitutions strike me as astrologically sound while also remaining true to the general meaning of the associated tarot cards of the Thoth deck. Below is an updated Chaldean wheel.

Originally published at on January 10, 2024.



Parsifal the Scribe
Parsifal the Scribe

Written by Parsifal the Scribe

I’ve been involved in the esoteric arts since 1972, with a primary interest in tarot and astrology. See my previous work at

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