Mastery of Circumstances: The Triangular Pyramid Spread

Parsifal the Scribe
3 min readOct 5, 2024


AUTHOR’S NOTE: In “The Problem of the Fourth” (Part Five of A Psychological Approach to the Trinity), Carl Gustav Jung observed “There are three, but where is the fourth?” There are numerous tarot spreads that use a tripartite motif: past/present/ future; action/reaction/resolution; thesis/antithesis/synthesis; if/then/else; etc. But here I’m projecting that planar model into three dimensions with a fourth “quaternary essence” card derived via numerological reduction from the randomly-pulled series. This card is intended to supply the “. . . therefore” wrap-up to the situational outlook of the first three, ideally offering advice on how to leverage the initial conclusion for the higher purpose of circumstantial mastery (in other words, responding with masterful authority in the final analysis rather than being “done in” by near-term events and having to live with the fallout).

Once the quaternary essence has been calculated, three more “ternary essences” can be formulated from the three two-card sets of the original pull. (I’m indebted to Alejandro Jodorowsky for this technique.) This will create a three-card line showing the “high road” the quaternary essence can take in its quest for mastery of the situation. (All of these “essences” will be Major Arcana.)

Here is an example reading to demonstrate the method.

Thoth Tarot, copyright of US Games Systems Inc, Stamford, CT

The question involved how to proceed in a vexing matter. In the original pull, the “Reaction” card obliges neither the “Action” nor the “Resolution” scenario. The 4 of Cups depicts a soft-textured expression of attenuated feelings while the brutal 10 of Swords and the callous 8 of Swords are sharply critical in nature. This suggests that whatever is done will only slightly improve the situation since trying to transfix the 4 of Cups with an accusing glare can be like attempting to “poke holes in water” (they fill right up again). There seems to be no possible convergence of rational intentions and emotional ardor in this forecast, since it looks like any hurt feelings will receive only cursory lip-service.

The Quaternary Essence (derived via Theosophical addition) was the Emperor (10+4+8=22; 2+2=4). This result reminds me of a fragment from Algernon Charles Swinburne’s poem Atalanta in Calydon:

And the high gods took in hand
Fire and the falling of tears

The Emperor loses patience with this conflicted situation and decides to take matters into his own hands. The number Four in this card echoes that of the 4 of Cups, generating a little pragmatic alignment (up to a point, they want the same thing), but the Emperor is elementally hostile to Cups and more inclined to the cerebral approach of Swords, leaving in his wake only bruised sensibilities. Thus, no emotional closure is to be had in the immediate future, and the Emperor gains only the gratification of having acted forcefully in his own interests.

The “High Road” to situational mastery doesn’t look any better. Art (Temperance as 10+4) signifies the need for consummate finesse in setting out, but the Hanged Man (4+8) and the Moon (8+10) stymie the Emperor in his optimistic assumption that a straightforward solution will arise from disciplined action. As usual, an abundance of Water weakens Fire, dousing the Emperor’s enthusiasm. The last two cards seem to be saying that, no matter how coordinated and resourceful his efforts are, they will come to nought in any decisive way and will just limp along to a regrettable end. The 4 of Cups would be better served if these two were allowed to take their natural (that is circuitous) course. Even so, a salutary outcome would not necessarily be achieved. It looks like the answer to Poe’s lament is “There is no balm in Gilead.” Point taken.

Originally published at on October 5, 2024.



Parsifal the Scribe

I’ve been involved in the esoteric arts since 1972, with a primary interest in tarot and astrology. See my previous work at