Lunar Month Look-Ahead for February — March, 2022
I just applied my “Threepenny Opera” three-deck selection method to my Lunar Look-ahead reading for the February-March cycle that began with the New Moon on Tuesday, February 1, 2022. I use astrologer Dane Rudhyar’s 8-phase “Lunation Cycle” model for this layout (with a nod to Marc Robertson’s Cosmopsychology: Engine of Destiny); each phase is roughly 3.5 days long. The decks are the Golden Art Nouveau, the RWS Centennial Edition* and the Golden Universal RWS. I threw eight sets of three coins to select the cards.
Since this spread was posted a long time ago, I’ve added a link to that old post here if anyone wants to give the technique a try. There are three pages to the document, the last two of which give instructions and position meanings.
New Moon — Devil reversed: This may mean nothing more significant than “leaving Capricorn behind,” and good riddance — January was diabolically cold here. But based on the rest of the cards I think the keynote for the month is “Pragmatic Anti-materialism.”
Waxing Crescent — 8 of Cups: Something is beginning to wear out (or run out; see the King of Cups) and promises disappointment.
First Quarter — 5 of Swords reversed: I’m arguing with myself over whether to replace it at no little cost.
Gibbous Moon — 4 of Pentacles: This conveys the financial dimensions of the situation. It does look like rather “small potatoes” in the long run but it inclines me toward not spending the money.
Full Moon — Ace of Swords reversed: This reminds me of the old gladiator’s inverted sword demanding “death to the vanquished” (or that more modern cliche, “kick him while he’s down”). I clearly won’t be spending the money by mid-month.
Disseminating Moon — Page of Swords: I will be perfectly sanguine without a new one (at least for a little while).
Third Quarter — (the ultra-patient and long-suffering) Queen of Pentacles reversed: Ultimately I will have to grit my teeth and make do with what I have.
Balsamic Moon (Waning Crescent) — King of Cups: Everything turns out alright in the end. I call this the “Dick Van Patten” card (a beaming Mr. Nice Guy). It depicts me as Dr. Pangloss: “Everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds.”
But to be honest, the last two cards may simply mean that I will conserve my resources until the end of the month and then buy that new bottle of scotch I’ve been eyeing (is that King smirking?). A sidelight to this reading is that my “Moon Card” for the month is the Hermit (2+1+2+0+2+2 = 9): with my son and his family quarantined due to Covid exposure, I’ll be drinking alone.
Originally published at on February 5, 2022.