Lottery-Ticket Tarot for the Win
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I decided to come up with a tarot-based approach for selecting the most favorable day(s) to buy weekly lottery tickets as a way to hopefully improve the probability of success.
I don’t gamble as a rule because, if I have a 50–50 chance of winning at any game of chance, I lose around 80% of the time; so I seldom buy lottery tickets. (Casinos would love me since I’d bolster their profitability just by showing up.) But it could be that I’m leaving easy money on the table. I realize that many people use the popular form of “lucky number” numerology for this, but it’s not my strong suit. Another thought is that Thursday (Jupiter’s day) is traditionally a good day for increase of any kind, but I wanted to cast a wider net with the cards.
I removed the court cards from the deck because there are really no sociological or psychological aspects to the first step of the process. I shuffled the rest of the cards and dealt seven of them, left-to-right and face-up, in a seven-card line to cover Monday through Sunday of the upcoming week. I chose not to use reversals since I’m mainly interested in the fortunate or unfortunate nature of each card and reversal doesn’t change it that much. Then I located the card or cards that seemed to be “luckiest” from a universal perspective, with positive trump cards imparting “big luck” and positive minor cards bestowing “small luck.”
Among the Major Arcana I looked for cards most associated with abundance and success, particularly the Empress, the Chariot, the Wheel of Fortune and the Sun. There are many minor cards that will serve as signposts; the Thoth deck with its on-board titles is ideal for this: 4 of Wands (Completion); 6 of Wands (Victory); 3 of Cups (Abundance); 4 of Cups (Luxury); 9 of Cups (Happiness); 4 of Disks (Power); 6 of Disks (Success); 9 of Disks (Gain); 10 of Disks (Wealth). If I were to include the Aces (the smallest of “small luck”), the Ace of Cups and Ace of Disks would be on the list. (You will no doubt have noticed that no Swords make an appearance; they are more about division and disunion than accumulation.)
In the example below, the Wheel of Fortune on Tuesday stood out from the rest, with the 4 of Disks on Friday offering a slightly less remunerative outlook. Other possibilities were Lust (Strength), the Ace of Wands and the 10 of Cups, but the first two seem too pushy about what is (at least for me) a casual pastime while the last one invites sinking too much money into it when I only want to buy one or two tickets each week. So I would most likely purchase a couple of tickets on Tuesday of the target week, or one on that day and one on Friday.
Next, to bring my personal fortunes into the picture, I selected a court card as my Significator (as usual I picked the Knight of Cups), shuffled the sub-pack of court cards and dealt them left-to-right above the daily cards until the Significator showed up. The ideal situation is to have it appear in combination with one of the “big luck” cards, and that is exactly what happened in the random pull shown in the second image below. Tuesday (with the Wheel of Fortune) is not only my best bet from a “big-picture” standpoint but also my best shot for a personal windfall (Knight of Cups). I should probably skip Friday and buy more tickets on Tuesday. (Note that the face-down cards are placeholders so the spread doesn’t become too cluttered; only the location of the Significator counts.)
Originally published at on February 27, 2024.