Lenormand and the Tetractys Spread
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Some time ago I created a 10-card “tetractys” (aka “decad”) spread based on a template I found on-line, applying my own modifications to personalize it. I intended to use it only with tarot cards. However, while reading Lisa Young-Sutton’s book, The Petit Lenormand Oracle, I encountered her use of the 10-card “pyramid” spread, which is essentially the tetractys with her own position meanings and sequencing. Although I tend to be a traditionalist when it comes to Lenormand, sticking mostly with various lines and tableaux, I do sometimes create unique spreads for my own use and I was inspired to do so in this case by tweaking my original tetractys design. Although I recognize that the way Lenormand cards are read doesn’t really support positional interpretation, I believe this one is open-ended enough to suffice. Time and experience will tell, but if it doesn’t suit Lenormand this updated version will definitely work with tarot. (Don’t miss the example reading at the end!)
Here is an example reading using the Golden Lenormand Oracle deck from Lo Scarabeo. The question I asked was “What should I do to maintain my “home base” in all of its ramifications: physical, mental and emotional?” I intentionally “charged” the House card and placed it in the fifth position of “What should be maintained?”
The top five cards surrounding the Focus Card are almost 100% fortunate. The bottom four cards are a mixed bag but can be successfully managed with a little care.
The Heart in the “Now” position indicates that I’m loving everything about my present situation, which is quite true.
The Lilies in the “External Support” position reflects the fact that we moved here to be near family, and that objective is paying off.
The Dog in the “External Resistance” position conveys a posture of stoic patience, which is also accurate since I have very few kindred spirits in the area with whom to engage (my contacts are primarily on-line). I’m reminded of the old RCA Victor logo showing a dog looking quizzically at “his master’s voice” coming out of the Victrola; I’ve got my ear to the ground but hear only “crickets.”
The Bouquet in the “What to do” position clearly means “Keep feeding the home fires.”
The Storks in the “What not to do” position advises “Don’t move, you might regret it!”
The Fox in the “Active Stance” position could mean that I should watch my step moving in and around the home since unforeseen issues have a habit of turning into nasty surprises.
The Man in the “Intuitive Stance” position shows that my emotional state is perfectly attuned to my immediate environment. I’m very well-situated here and have a strong sense of “rightness” and of being “at home.”
The Clover in the “Rational Stance” position reflects that on most days I’m satisfied with small victories; all the major battles have been fought and won. This is a card of quiet happiness and prosperity that bolsters my peace-of-mind; I’m not exactly “rolling in clover,” but close enough. However, this is a temporary state and I’ve got my eyes on that Cross down the road.
The Cross in the “Summary Outlook” position can only mean that I can’t stay here in the long run as increasing age makes inroads into my stamina and consequently my ability to cope with homeowner’s duties. I can live with that since it’s inevitable; we’ve already discussed moving on at some point, but the Cross is a “slow” card so “today is not that day.”
While I haven’t used them in the past, the six internal, upright “mini-pyramids” I learned from Lisa’s book seem to corroborate this testimony. I’m also particularly interested in the inverted mini-pyramids as showing what “trickles down to the bottom line.”
Originally published at http://parsifalswheeldivination.wordpress.com on September 19, 2023.