Is the Fix In? — Prospects and Circumstances for Donald Trump’s Survival or Demise
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never post twice in one day, but this is a timely subject that I wanted to get out there as soon as possible.
Ever since Donald Trump was identified as the likely Republican candidate for the 2024 Presidential election, I’ve had concerns about a possible assassination attempt. Recent events have upgraded those concerns from possible to probable. There is so much hostility and partisan ferment in the political arena that it almost seems like a foregone conclusion that there will be more to come in a frenzy of “copy-cat” violence. I decided to use my favorite sociopolitical deck, Brian Williams’ PoMo (Post-Modern) Tarot to take a look at Trump’s prospects from now to the election, and immediately after.
This three-card line has no positional meanings, it is just a “snapshot” of the near-future scenario. Note that Williams relates TVs (Swords) to Fire and Guns (Wands) to Air. I decided to stay with the traditional assumption that Swords/TVs are Air (as in “transmission over the airwaves”) and Wands/Guns are Fire for the obvious reason of gunpowder’s explosive energy.
The Nine of Guns very graphically indicates that there won’t be just one more attempt on Trump’s life, but most likely many, especially since the polls show that he has a viable chance of ousting Biden or beating any other Democrat who runs against him. From a longevity perspective, I wouldn’t want to be him. (As an aside, it’s highly suggestive that the man in the RWS 9 of Wands has a bandage around his head; I call it the “bloody but unbowed” card after William Ernest Henley’s poem, Invictus.)
The 3 of TVs is Williams’ version of the “pierced heart” of the RWS deck and the “destroyed rose” of the Thoth card. The reversal suggests that there will be extraordinary efforts to protect Trump from that fate, but there is still some risk of “sorrow” in the offing. Security needs to keep a “scorched earth” isolation zone around him. Perhaps, like Andrew Wyeth’s model, Christina Olson, for the painting that inspired this card, Trump will be crippled in a future attack.
It’s very interesting that the boxer being knocked out of the ring in the 8 of TVs has orange hair (note also that his trunks are red while his opponent’s are blue). However, the count hasn’t started yet, so the implication is that Trump is “down but not out.” On balance, though, I certainly wouldn’t bet on his chances. I doubt that the victorious boxer is Biden or any other Democratic hopeful, but rather some unknown assailant.
This is a sobering projection that doesn’t instill much confidence in the “survival” half of the title. I hope it’s wrong; regardless of our political persuasions. nobody deserves that fate.
Full Disclosure: I’m a small-government “Libertarian sympathizer” with no love for the progressive Far Left or the religious Far Right (or, for that matter, Biden or Trump); this is my impartial take on the topic. (I also want to add the postscript that the PoMo Tarot is brilliant!)
Originally published at on July 14, 2024.