Departing the “Goldilocks Zone” — A Multi-Path Situational Development Spread
AUTHOR’S NOTE: As a teenage science-fiction fan in the mid-60s I was fascinated by rocketry and the theory of space-flight in general. Here is a spread that uses some of that terminology to show three potential paths that a situational-development reading might take: short-range, long-range or open-ended. It will take some study for the user to figure this out, since it employs variations in odd and even polarity to determine which direction to pursue.
In tarot theory, odd numbers are considered dynamic and galvanizing, and therefore might be called “tactical” in that they can precipitate short-range consequences as they strive for actualization. Even numbers, on the other hand, are composed and less kinetic, and thus may be more “strategic” in nature, aiming for the “long result.” I decided to use this premise to distinguish between situational developments that are of imminent arrival and limited duration, and those that are delayed in their emergence and prolonged in their expression. In keeping with my general approach to timing, and depending on whether the numbers are “small” or “large” (that is, early or late in the sequence), “short-range” would be anything from a week to three months; “long-range” would kick in beyond three months and would typically be capped at six months, infrequently extending up to a year as dictated by known or anticipated circumstances.
When polarity is mixed, a third option applies that goes “outside the comfort zone” and is uncertain in its timing; as the saying goes, “all bets are off,” and there could be intimations of the myth about “boiling a frog” — you don’t know you’re in trouble until your goose (or amphibian) is already cooked. Where the other two paths represent a discernible evolution from established conditions, this one depicts a “leap across the abyss” that may have an unexpected surprise up its sleeve, one that might be pleasant but, then again, it might not.
Some readings with this spread will deliver only a short-range prediction; some will offer only a long-range verdict; some will speak to both; and some will take the reading off-the-charts in an entirely unforeseen direction. (If you’re not familiar with it, the “Goldilocks Zone” is an astrophysical term for the region of the solar system that is temperate enough to support life; like Baby Bear’s porridge, it is neither too cold nor too hot, but “just right.” Here that “comfort zone” is bounded by Cards #3A and #4A; Card #2A goes “beyond the zone” and may be difficult for the querent to appreciate and navigate.)
Card #3 and Card #4 are the “directional” cards used to define the different trajectories. The alignment in polarity between the card numbers and the position numbers dictates which one (or sometimes two*) chooses the path. There are four scenarios:
If both cards are odd-numbered, the Card #3/3A path is followed to a short-term outcome.
If both cards are even-numbered, the Card #4/4A path is followed to a long-term outcome.
It each card matches its natural polarity (Card #3 is odd and Card #4 is even), both short-range and long-range conclusions can be explored.*
If the polarity is swapped (Card #3 is even and Card #4 is odd), the Card #2/2A path leads to an unexpected and potentially stressful “out-of-the-comfort-zone” experience.
The general reading progresses as described below; reversals are not used with this spread:
Card #1 represents the “Launch Pad,” or where the situation is starting from (nominally the “Present;” this card can be specifically chosen in advance instead of being randomly drawn).
Card #2 suggests inertia: the “payload weight” that must be accounted for and the “gravitational pull” that must be overcome (this suggests “push-back” of some kind).
Card #3, when odd, opens the short-term outcome path (Cards #3/3A). Odd cards represent the active, impulsive “do it now” incentives appropriate for short-range readings that are typically volatile.
Card #4, when even, opens the long-term outcome path (Cards #4/4A). Even cards represent the passive, settled “wait-and-see” disincentives suited to long-range assessments with “staying power.”
When Card #3 is odd and Card #4 is even, both paths are opened for exploration.*
When Card #3 and Card #4 are contrary to the polarity of their position, Card #2 opens the central path to a possible new paradigm (Cards #2/2A).
In all cases, Card #2 is to be read as supplying either a “boost” or a “brake” to the thrust of whichever direction is highlighted. (It may be reinforcing or resisting in its action depending on its polarity and inherent nature, whether sympathetic or incompatible.)
Read the series of cards indicated by the directional thrust:
Card #1-Card #2-Card #3-Card #3A, or
Card #1-Card #2-Card #4-Card #4A, or
Card #1-Card #2-Card #2A (the “Star Trek” paradigm, destination and ETA unknown)
Originally published at on April 3, 2023.