“Blocked Energies” in a Tarot Reading
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Some mornings I wake up with an idea in my head for a blog post. This was just such a morning.
One of the assumptions we often make as tarot readers is that the energy of a reading can be “blocked” in its usual mode of expression. This occurs most commonly as one of the consequences of reversal in a spread. While those who don’t use reversed cards can reach the same conclusion through contemplation of the general meaning of a card as it applies to the context of the question or topic, reversal provides a convenient shortcut to that end since “blockage” is one of its more typical connotations. (In my own practice I think of it more as “redirection.”)
A second instance is the appearance of a “bad” card in a “good” position of the spread, which can be seen as diminishing if not actually voiding the expected benefit of the placement. While it would be tempting to view the positive environment as taking the “edge” off the negative force, spread positions are passive while the cards are active so there is unlikely to be much mitigation. There are numerous ways to work around this presumption, but they invariably begin with the premise that “It’s all good” and rationalize from there. I prefer the James Wanless quote “There are no negative cards, only opportunities,” but the fact remains that they can entail coping maneuvers whenever they come up in a reading.
Finally, there are times when we fail to recognize the import of a potentially obstructed scenario and continue to act as if the situation is on-track. This can lead to being “blindsided” by circumstances or the unfortunate case where we “zig when we should have zagged.” The overall thrust of the reading must be accurately assessed to ensure that we aren’t missing any nuances that could bite us when we least expect it. Bringing such risks to the attention of a sitter in a face-to-face reading session may not sound much like “empowerment,” but my position is that “forewarned is forearmed.”
I tend to maintain a realistic and pragmatic attitude toward my readings and don’t become enamored of the proposition that every “sow’s ear” can be turned into a “silk purse.” Some situations just come across as convoluted and draining from the start and looking for evidence of “blocked” energy is one way to unravel the knot. I don’t assume the best so I’m seldom taken aback by the worst. I try to leave my clients with constructive insights for handling their issues without being overly optimistic or pessimistic.
Originally published at http://parsifalswheeldivination.wordpress.com on December 16, 2022.