Ashley’s Disappearance: A Missing-Person Case Closure
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Ashley Turcotte, who went missing from Barnstead, NH in early January, was just found deceased in dense woods not far from where she was last seen. Here is the news release:
I performed three readings on this matter: a horary astrology forecast and two tarot readings. The horary reading, while indicating that she may have still been alive at the time of the reading (which now seems unlikely), did suggest concealment and consequent frustration of the search, which according to the news release were factors in the delayed discovery, specifically the snow cover that would have hidden her body. (The details of the prediction included “on, near or under the ground” and “in a cold place.”) The reading suggested that she may have been to the Southwest of her last known location and far away, but a look at the town map in light of the article shows that she was found close-by and toward the East.
The tarot readings were less optimistic, showing that she was most likely deceased, but an assessment of the underlying basis for the conclusion will have to await the formal verdict of the autopsy. The cards implied that she may have run afoul of someone with an “axe to grind,” but present indications are that no foul play is suspected, which could mean that her demise was an exposure-related death and not a homicide. There was no apparent reason for her to be in the woods near the town hall where her car was found so, barring further evidence to the contrary, an assumption of suicide is not out-of-the question. In the surveillance camera images taken of her shortly before her disappearance she seemed to be distraught, and that was my first impression although I don’t like to make the call without more justification from the cards.
In summary, I will currently have to chalk this one up as a predictive failure for the most part since the main thrust was toward some kind of assault. Horary astrology continues to provide a more compelling narrative than tarot reading in these cases, but only marginally better in this particular instance. The closest the tarot came was the fact of her death, supplemented by the observations “in the country,” “somewhere wet and well-hidden” (in retrospect, under the snow and near the Suncook River would qualify) and requiring “vigorously beating the bushes” to locate her, an undertaking that engaged more than 70 searchers over the period (there was no mention of search dogs in the news article, but the snow cover may have defeated any such initiative).
Originally published at on March 18, 2024.