“Alternate Outcome” Developmental Timeline Spread
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Here is another mixed-media spread that uses cards and dice. It is intended as a longer-range alternative to the Celtic Cross that offers a similar event timeline and “advice” mode while providing for two alternate “end of the matter” cards. I’ve been having an online conversation regarding the premise that “now” is the most important point in any forecast because it is where we can make the most difference in shaping the the outcome of the prediction. I call it “where the rubber meets the road,” and here I consider it to be it the “action phase” of the reading that sets in motion the next chapter. To that end, I’ve added two “advice” cards to the “Present” scenario to suggest how we can make the most of that moment in time.
The five-card timeline sequence is read in the normal manner from distant past at the left to far future at the right, using reversals if preferred. The timeline is broad and stretches in both directions in approximate 6-month increments, but you can always change that model for your own purposes. The two “advice” cards offer guidance for the “action phase,” addressing “Expedience” (How can I most effectively deal with this matter?) and “Exposure” (What pitfalls should I watch out for at this juncture?). The two “historical” cards (Distant Past and Recent Past) should be read only as background information or stage-setting details affecting the querent’s attitude and behavior rather than as active contributors to ongoing developments in the situation that are shown by the two Future cards. Thus, the querent’s current condition is tempered by four surrounding “environment” cards as it begins to evolve toward resolution.
A single six-sided die is rolled to choose one of two long-term outcome cards. An even-numbered roll will select Outcome Card #1 and an odd-numbered roll will pick Outcome Card #2. Read only the card identified by the roll. This is another spin on the plot of Frank R. Stockton’s short story, The Lady or the Tiger. “What is behind Door #2?” (But I know you’re going to peek anyway, right?) The premise is that the option not chosen is too remote to be likely, but it could always be viewed as a fall-back position if the primary outcome leaves much to be desired. However, this opportunity could take more strenuous maneuvering during the “action phase” to redirect the flow of circumstances.
Originally published at http://parsifalswheeldivination.wordpress.com on December 30, 2023.