A Suit-of-Cups “Elemental Storyboard” Test Reading
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Here is an “elemental storyboard” test reading that uses the suit of Cups to represent the “base element” of Water. I’m tackling the age-old (and largely inscrutable) subject of “true love” (as in finding and keeping). I’m stating it coyly as “Under what circumstances will I (or won’t I) find emotional fulfillment in the foreseeable future?)” Note that there is no gender specificity in this reading, so any card can signify any gender.
The premise here is that Cups, and thus the element of Water, symbolize the “field of operation” for the querent’s initiative; they are placed in the spread as a “reference” line along which the randomly-drawn cards evolve. Once again I’m relying on the heavy black connecting lines to keep the narrative flow straight, although where the cards are contiguous I didn’t bother with lines because the succession is obvious. With Water as the “Base Element,” the “Zenith” of the developmental progression is comprised of Water cards, with the “Rising Trend” populated by Earth cards, the “Falling Trend” by Air cards, and the “Nadir” by Fire cards.
The 10 of Pentacles in the “Inception” position suggests that the querent is becalmed in stultifying domestic circumstances and “wants out.” (Euphemistically, I call this the “Pangloss proposition” card: “Everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds” . . . even when it transparently isn’t.) But since this position is in the “Rising Trend” row, the environment may not be as bad as the individual describes it, so this card might just represent an excuse to make an escape. Here is another instance of “numerological counterparts” because “10” reduces to the “1” of the Ace of Cups; emotionally, the time “just seems right” for a change.
The 10 of Cups reversed in the first “Growth Phase”position could be showing a “divorced-with-children” scenario, either for the seeker or for a potential love interest (as in “That’s all that is available”). In the “Zenith” row it is clearly a matter of tremendous import for this reading and could have a bearing on all future romantic involvement.
The Hermit reversed implies a “no-growth” state of isolation on one hand, or the opportunity to take up with a much older (and very reserved) partner on the other hand, perhaps under clandestine conditions. (Hopefully, it’s not the same “grandfather” type we saw in the 10 of Pentacles.) It is also in the “Rising Trend” row so the querent may try to put a better face on it than it deserves (sounds like desperation talking).
The situation takes a dive into “Falling Trend” territory with the Knight of Swords, which could reflect a younger, more impatient individual who may not be particularly stable (or kind). It hints at jumping “out of the frying pan and into the fire,” and it could be interpreted as a “brief fling with no strings attached.”
With the King of Pentacles, the disillusioned seeker resumes a “rising arc” by gravitating back toward an older prospect who is likely to be more settled and perhaps wealthier. It portrays a “safe haven” that offers relief after being kicked around by the Knight of Swords.
The only other “Zenith” card in this spread is the reversed 5 of Cups, which does not bode well for the “May-December” relationship that has just begun. There may simply be too great a divide between security-driven concessions and the desire for emotional fulfillment to be bridged by passive resignation.
After the debacle, the first two cards of the “Results Phase” bring in the generous 6 of Pentacles and the Knight of Pentacles, together depicting a free-spending younger person of a similar constitution to the King of Pentacles (that is, conservative and emotionally “safe”) but more physically energetic and less prone to clamp down on frivolity. Things seem to be looking up. However, the ominous 7 and 8 of Cups in the “baseline” row immediately below suggest “standing in quicksand” more so than “walking on water.”
But the last card in this mini-drama, which descends all the way to the “Nadir” row, makes me think of “Humpty-Dumpty” because the 6 of Wands reversed intimates a bruising “fall from a horse.” It also suggests “snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.” The Knight of Pentacles was the fifth and last “Earth” card of the array, and the querent may have become imprudently weary of the “same old, same old” focus on level-headed pragmatism and thus acted rashly to sever ties. The result may be liberating (once again) but decidedly not wise in the long run.
As the “Conclusion” card, the 3 of Wands reversed has the seeker giving up the fight, licking wounds and sullenly waiting for a better day. There was never much romantic hope in this forecast anyway, just a lot of “settling for second-best” and — with five Earth cards — an over-emphasis on security as a substitute for emotional fulfillment. After a period of “suspended animation,” the individual will have to “go back to the well” once again.
Originally published at http://parsifalswheeldivination.wordpress.com on July 15, 2024.