A Best Case/Worst Case “Offset” Example Reading

Parsifal the Scribe
2 min readDec 14, 2021


I know someone who suffers from a disabling physical condition that isn’t eligible for surgery, and who hasn’t responded all that well to less-invasive conventional treatments. I asked what the “best-case” and “worst-case” predictions look like for this person. I used the Albano-Waite deck without reversals for the reading.

In the “best-case” row, the two Kings suggest a pair of doctors, one sympathetic (King of Cups) and the other tirelessly professional (King of Pentacles), who will be successful in ministering to the individual’s symptoms (6 of Pentacles) if not the actual root cause, even if that generous hand does imply that it’s freely dispensing a torrent of drugs. This is a very stable combination from an elemental standpoint (cooperative Earth and Water), which bodes well for steady organic improvement. In short, my friend — although not cured — will finally be in a comfortable place with this infirmity.

The 8 of Swords as the “downside” conveys the idea that, if one last planned attempt at extended mitigation fails, the patient could be subjected to a recurring pattern of steroid injections (8 of Swords). As an aside, note that turning the number 8 on its side simulates the infinity symbol, an ominous omen for full recovery in this case, at least in the short term.

In the “worst-case” scenario, the sequence of cards shows that, if carefree and irresponsible activity (Page of Swords) isn’t avoided as directed by the doctors, the consequence could be an overwhelming burden (10 of Wands) of persistent, nagging pain (3 of Swords).

The “silver lining” in this situation, such as it is, would be that the invalid gets to stay home (2 of Wands) and engage with the world through remote channels like TV and the internet.

This reading was fascinating in that there were no trump cards present in the spread, which makes the assumed medical response more of a routine “real-world” reaction than a potentially life-altering intervention (which might be the case with the disallowed high-risk surgery). To me, knowing the circumstances, this enhances the veracity of the reading.

So which scenario is likely to win out? With two capable and attentive Kings on the scene and the card of “Material Success” between them, my money would be on the “best-case” outlook, although perhaps not without a “long-range-maintenance” contingency plan.

Originally published at http://parsifalswheeldivination.wordpress.com on December 14, 2021.



Parsifal the Scribe
Parsifal the Scribe

Written by Parsifal the Scribe

I’ve been involved in the esoteric arts since 1972, with a primary interest in tarot and astrology. See my previous work at www.parsifalswheeldivination.com.

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